As we try to keep you up to speed on what’s going on with Epic, we want to give a brief update on the development of WSN in Epic. As you remember, we used to serve in WSN – the campus ministries international sending arm of Campus Crusade. Here’s an update I borrowed from a friend who’s helping establish WSN for Epic:

“Right now our short-term priorities are focused on establishing leaders for our six summer projects and planning out how we will brief (training, team building, general prep) and debrief (evaluate, reflect, celebrate, deal with re-entry) our summer project teams.

A longer-term goal we have is to establish partnerships with three countries. Two countries will be Asian (e.g., Japan) and one will be a country with a large number of ‘displaced Asians.’ This term refers to Asians that have immigrated to other countries (for our purpose, anything besides the States.) For example Sao Paulo, Brazil has the largest population of Japanese outside of Japan.”
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It’s fun to think about the possibilities for Epic in making an international impact for Christ and I’ll be joining in some of those discussions soon as we begin to partner with WSN and HR in Epic in sending equipped and healthy teams to launch movements all around the world.