I just finished this book a week or so ago for one of my classes and wanted to write up a few words for those that it might be good for.
48 Days is a book about finding a job that connects to your sense of calling. It’s a very practical book and is perfect for people who on the job search. There’s a lot of information related to interviewing, resumes, and other job hunting things.
One of the more challenging themes of the book is to challenge people to not accept anything less than a satisfying or meaningful work life. His basic message is – if you’re in a bad situation get some courage and get out and make money doing what you love doing.
I’m not sure I’m into all of his philosophy of vocation, but I do think there’s some really helpful thoughts and tools to evaluate your current job in light of your values and sense of calling. The book though has special value for people actually in a place of considering a job change or who are seeking work. So if you’re looking for a job or thinking about a change I would recommend 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.