Coordinating IGSL Beautification Day!


An amazing opportunity came up as a result of my dad meeting a man in the U.S. whose organization likes to donate soccer equipment to kids and communities in developing nations. People here LOVE soccer, especially the international students.   As we explored this opportunity, IGSL seemed to fit the bill for what this man and his company like to be a part of.  It’s a pay it forward type of arrangement so we needed to find a way to bless the community around us.  

This was PERFECT because the leadership of IGSL wants to build stronger relationships with the local community around us, but with the business and schedule it’s hard to orchestrate and plan.  But I was so excited for how much it would bless the kids and the regular soccer players here that I took on the job and negotiated with the local Barangay Captain (like a city council official) for IGSL to help with a 2 mile beautification effort in the community. 

About 20 came – some students and some of the students’ children – and it was a huge success. The Barangay was surprised and blown away by IGSL’s initiative and effort and it was a big win to partner with some of the folks assigned to do this community service already.  Some of the work was tough and took a strong stomach (as Colin had a few challenging moments with various overpowering smells), but the result was great.

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In addition to stronger community relationships (huge for future ministry opportunities), the soccer equipment will be a great blessing for the students here and the children on campus as well! Leading this was a cross-cultural experience, but totally rewarding!   People in the community have stopped me in the days since that work day to tell me how much it meant because no one outside their community has ever volunteered to serve their community that way – that it included so many people from different countries was mind blowing!

Here’s Colin Working Hard


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