Graduates in Surabaya

Dear Friends,

As we are writing today it’s the kids’ final day of school. We are packing and getting ready for a 10 week home assignment for support raising and connecting with our team of ministry partners.  We will be spending time in Southern Cal, Central Cal, and Northern Cal so if you are around this summer we’d love to see you!  We return to Manila on August 1st when the kids’ school starts up. Please pray for meaningful times, good rest, and that the Lord would provide the additional new ministry partners needed.

As we are writing today it’s the kids’ final day of school. We are packing and getting ready for a 10 week home assignment for support raising and connecting with our team of ministry partners.  We will be spending time in Southern Cal, Central Cal, and Northern Cal so if you are around this summer we’d love to see you!  We return to Manila on August 1st when the kids’ school starts up. Please pray for meaningful times, good rest, and that the Lord would provide the additional new ministry partners needed.

But as you see above, we just had the privilege of graduating one of the couples that we’ve mentored for 3 years – Dondi and Dina. We really enjoyed them and their missionary spirit and saw them mature so much during their time at IGSL. They have a deep passion for their home country Indonesia and especially that the dominant Muslim population would find life in Christ.

You may have seen in the news last week the suicide bombings in Surabaya, Indonesia that were directed at some Christian churches and police stations. Surabaya is Dondi and Dina’s home and place of ministry so it has been a challenging time for them and other Christians. Please pray for them and their family as they continue to minister in Surabaya.

I filmed this brief video testimony from Dondi just before they left for Indonesia so please take a couple minutes to hear from him about how IGSL helped prepare him for his ministry in Surabaya.

In Christ,
Brian and Christine

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