Kicked Out of East Asia, Still Reaching Asians

Dear Friends,

Most of the students we are training and developing are being trained for a specific calling and context. But there are a few students that are in a different situation – they are still called, but the door as closed on their sense of calling and ministry dreams. These are our Korean missionaries who were serving in East Asia, but due to government crackdowns on Christianity they experienced persecution and ultimately got kicked out of the country that they  felt God had called them to bring the gospel to.

One of my (Brian’s) new ISG guys that I’m mentoring goes by the English name of Joseph. One of the more powerful moments last term was getting to know his story as a missionary in East Asia and the persecution he and his family endured. The  police came to their house while he was out of his town towards the end and it was incredibly scary for his wife and kids. Joseph has been in Manila for a year and a half and I would say he and his family have been recovering from trauma – from the persecution they went through as well as having the door close permanently to their dream and calling. I’ve been so moved by just how much Joseph and his countrymen LOVE the people of East Asia. It has been crushing that this dream has ended in the form they realized.

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Please pray for Joseph and his family (they have a son at Faith  Academy with our kids) and his fellow Korean missionaries studying at IGSL. Their journey has been one of seeing God gently minister to them, restoring them, and cultivating a new direction and new ministry dreams. I’ve loved teaching these guys because they walk with God with their whole hearts and don’t leave much left at all. Their love for Christ is overwhelmingly evident in their heart to see East Asia reached with the love of Jesus.  Pray for East Asia amidst increased persecution and please pray for the hundreds and hundreds of Korean missionaries getting kicked out of the country.  It’s a painful journey for them and requires a lot of care.

Thank you for making it possible for us to not just equip missionaries, pastors, and church planters, but also for us to care for, disciple, and mentor leaders like Joseph who are at critical and painful transition points in their ministry. It’s an honor for us to journey with men and women like this!

In Christ,
                                            Brian & Christine

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