Without My Old Self (Crystal from Mongolia)

        One of the women Christine is mentoring delivered the welcome testimony to the incoming batch of women entering the Partners-in-Ministry program this year. It highlights the class Christine taught and the mentoring experience through Christine’s small group. In her preparation, she wrote it out…

My name is Bolormaa. You can call me Crystal and I’m from Mongolia. I married my husband 3 years ago. We have one son, Simba. My mother led me to Christ when I was 8 years old. For 18 years after that, I served hard in my church. Others saw me as a very good girl. They say, “She knows about the Bible and works hard in ministry. Then I married my husband and we both served together in the ministry.

At IGSL I was convinced by the PIM program to explore myself. Through Ate Christine’s class “Walking with God in the Midst of Conflict,” I noticed that I have been living old sinful nature. Colossians 3:1-10 says ‘Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped of your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator become like him.’ I realized I am a Christian, but I live in my old sinful nature. I recognized my true attitude. I was still jealous, proud, critical, selfish and gossiper. I’ve never given my true heartfelt appreciation to someone’s success because of my jealous attitude. I didn’t want to show my weakness. Also I’ve never felt real satisfaction from my ministry as a Sunday school teacher and was disrespectful to my church leaders. Sometimes I used to react to my husband with bad behavior.

Therefore I confessed before Jesus Christ, my brethren and my husband. I have chosen the life of victory in Christ. After that confession, my action and attitude started to change. I have chosen to avoid any pride and jealousy in my heart. I do anything for the glory of God. God is not looking at my outward appearance, but He is looking at my heart. All this happened to me last February and since that time I feel really happy without my old self.

When we first arrived, it was like part of heaven. I was observing that the people are hardworking, studying, and helping each other with love. Everything was amazing except English. I already prepared my mind, my body and my heart to adjust to our new situation. But still I struggled in my English. I was not alone. Some women had same problem. We prayed and shared together and that really encouraged me. IGSL life is not easy, but it is a piece of Heaven that you will see many nations giving glory to the Lord together, facing new experiences and challenges and know that God has a special plan for you in the future.”

      Every person we mentor has a different story and spiritual challenges, but God’s work in peoples lives consistently redeems sin and produces fruit. Crystal has been a bright spot for Christine over the last year. They named their son after the Lion King 🙂

As we continue to serve by training men and women like Crystal, we want to give you an opportunity to give to some one-time needs from the last several months including Ph.D. expenses ($4000), new curriculum-related training expenses like books and seminars ($1000), and surprise auto repair costs since we’ve been back ($2000).  If God leads to help meet any of those needs, you can give online at https://give.cru.org/0422845. It would be much appreciated and thank you for prayerfully considering those needs.
We’re encouraged at God’s faithfulness and great love for every person on this earth and by your commitment to see lives changed by their Creator.

For His glory,

       Brian & Christine


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